Seller or Buyer
Your Rants

** Please note that not all stories will be published. If they are deemed irrelevant, unsuitable or maybe there has been one too many of the similar story, they will remain unseen. Cool?
** If anyone wants to know the identity of the said seller or buyer, please leave your email add in the comment box and wait for the private message from the author.
** Any entries with names in them will automatically be deleted. Same applies for comments. Anonymity is my priority..
** I am also not married to Grissom hence I have no CSI knowledge to know which story is true or not. I am only your cut & paste typist.

Are you that free?

I have a blogshop running for 1 year last week. SO there was a banner saying 1st Anniversary & stuff.

A buyer then emailed me, are u sure one year dah? But why your items only showing from February. You're lying to all your customers.

HAHAHAH so funny. Fyi, i delete my sold out items. I dont want to confuse others. & she thinks im lying. I certainly not a liar & i delete old posts.

Thank u. Suddenly want to accuse people -.-

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