Seller or Buyer
Your Rants

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As they are please

Has it ever occurred to sellers that you just need to name your clothes AS THEY ARE. Like if its a pink ruffle top, just say la PINK RUFFLE TOP. Dont have to be fancy smancy like Cascading Waterfall of the Amazon or Jazabelle Dolly Top or something out of this world.

See? If i google what I want, then I can get hits, right? Why would I pick a name out of the clouds to google? Not logic...

Like its not hard enough to search thru 578 blogshops already. Please save the creativity for your future kid's name.


  1. haha so true. we google and find the item. don't seller actually want that? cut the hassle and time creating lala names.

  2. I actually like the fancy schmancy names :) provided if they're not overdoing it heh.

  3. what la u writer...i dn have probs with those names fact, it even made it more interesting what...xkan semua blogshop pun kena put in boring generic names such as 'pink blouse'? like, bleh..

    ok, but 4 ur issue, i suggest u jus copy the blogs URL, or jus link them in ur blog prob what..or juz bookmark any blogshop which have the items that u want..i believe nowadays even when i google clothes names, not really proper clothes will come out pon..

  4. 3rd anon: how to link or copy blogshop when cant even find the blog who sells those things?

    the author means say if she want to buy a pink peplum skirt, but sellers name it like "pinky madness" or "delicious dolly" or such, when author search for pink peplum skirt at google/yahoo, these sellers giving it another name wont show.

    only sellers who actually states peplum skirt or such will come out. so author is saying its hard to know who actually sells the things she want especially since there are tons of blogshops.

    so if buyers cant even find the blog selling the things she want, how the hell to bookmark or link?

  5. Thank you ANON #4!!! I didnt think my post was that hard to comprehend... haha!

  6. Haha all the fancy names are really killing my eyes. JUST GET TO THE POINT! true that writer! cheers to you!!

  7. i dunno, i still prefer the fancy schamncy names...

  8. Yeah, agreed with Anon 7:02pm IF the names given reflects the clothes i.e the patterns, colour, etc. Those names give the clothes some character. Example, a dress with seashell motifs, may be named as SEASHELLS and NOT "The Girl with seashells in her eyes". Short and sweet. To name a dress a PINK DRESS or BLUE DRESS just not that interesting... Just my two cents ya. I normally bookmark interesting shops or visit directories and review sites, so many ways to look for shops, not just by googling :). Check those sidebars :)

  9. i <3 cute name.. im on your side, anon 3.. n i don't think u can get the cloth that you want through google.. example, in google, jus type PINK RUFFLE TOP.. nah!! more pelik2 thing will come out.. if u wanna buy cloth in Msia, visit review sites more often.. sooner or later u will fine more interesting item with a creative name, better that pink ruffle top.. :*

  10. hehe, tq science teacher! ;p n anon at 8.06 pm.. ;)

  11. just write both la. fancy schamncy names, then the description. done.

  12. Just bookmark the site whenever you see something you like as not to lose track of the site. It saves a lot of time. :)

  13. it's annoying :-S hilang mood la kadang kadang.
