Seller or Buyer
Your Rants

** Please note that not all stories will be published. If they are deemed irrelevant, unsuitable or maybe there has been one too many of the similar story, they will remain unseen. Cool?
** If anyone wants to know the identity of the said seller or buyer, please leave your email add in the comment box and wait for the private message from the author.
** Any entries with names in them will automatically be deleted. Same applies for comments. Anonymity is my priority..
** I am also not married to Grissom hence I have no CSI knowledge to know which story is true or not. I am only your cut & paste typist.

Poll Discussion #2

I had to stop this poll earlier than schedule because i think people were getting ho-hum with it. Ok now... on with the comments.

YES                 - 155 votes (73%)
NO                   - 39 votes (18%)
SOMETIMES  - 17 votes (8%)

Especially those who answered NO & SOMETIMES, please do enlighten the majority on why you do not or rarely use online banking for online purchases. Let everyone understand your situation.


  1. some of us are secondary students, and we dont have online banking account or whatsoever.

  2. i'm underage and i can't do online transfer T.T

    and i hate it when they use first pay first serve basis, doesn't seem fair to us.

  3. some ppl got accounts but no money, hence still required them to go deposit cash manually into their account.

  4. yep, that's me :)

  5. I'm not underage, but my problem with dealing with things online isn't online banking. Its the POSTAGE. I do not trust any of the postage. Reading all this post just makes me feel worst about it. Not only that, but I'd like to see the goods for myself. So, I love and prefer CODs. I don't care where it is, I prefer COD. I would go the extra mile. COD over postage and online banking for me.

    FYI - I've done A LOT of COD, and thus far, I've been very lucky to get friendly sellers. :D

  6. I'm underage to do any transactions :)

  7. Im still underage too. thats why i cant do online transfer. i get nervous all the time as the buyers rush me to bank in as i still couldnt drive and had to rely on other people to drive me to the bank. and me myself would fear they wouldnt reserve the item i want for me. =(

  8. lucky you, i don't have my own transport to do cod T__T

  9. Maybank offers 4 free transactions, the 5th one we have to pay additional RM0.50 for each transaction. :( That's also mean I need to pay extra service charges!

  10. My laptop sometimes gt VIRUS. Of course i can't use online banking even if it's damn convenient.

  11. My internet connection is unstable. Don't dare to do any online transaction, just incase disconnect, I am also not sure the transaction successful or not... :( Better don't take risk.

  12. i would be glad to use online banking since i live in a boarding school. however, i'm underaged. so i can only bank in when im allowed out. kinda suxks for me cause i have to watch so many pretty things get sold just like that and i cant buy them :(

  13. im only 17 going on 18.hence,i dont have online banking account. =]

  14. don't dare to use online banking for security reasons.. always kena-ing viruses in my comps for some reason, so just for safety purposes i refrain from it.. conservative la...

  15. There'll be extra charges by the bank for online transaction.
