Seller or Buyer
Your Rants

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Looking for Friendly Sellers

I'm not sure if you guys feel the same as i do. But i will probably won't buy from sellers that doesn't sound friendly. I can't tolerate when seller's doesn't even care less if you want to buy from them or not.

Anyway, i've sent an email to this seller earlier to place an order:-

Hey, dear. I'm interested in a few items in your blog. Below is my order:-
XXXXXX (blue) - RM 25.00
XXXXXX (Red)- RM 20.00
Is the items still available? Thanks.

So i waited for the reply until the next day but no reply. Already passed 24 hours and i thought she practice 24 hours reply policy. Maybe she missed out my email so i resend the email. Also no reply until late evening of the following day. But this is how she reply me:

Hi. Both sold out.

Simple and clear. Not even apologising for the late reply. Doesn't sound friendly or helpful at all. Besides, they should do their job and UPDATE their site instead of replying bluntly to your customers. Not like we need you to reply us a novel-length email reply. But you should do your part to provide us a good service because you do hope that we return with more purchases in the future. We won't know it if you're busy with exams or on holidays or your car broke down or you're striked with a bad flu WITHOUT putting any notice at your site and went MIA. And you expect us to continue buying from you?

Like a chinese saying : YOU WAIT LONG LONG, LAH!


  1. this happened to me just a few days ago!

    i wanted to buy this black corset dress and another dress and the total fr both was really cheap so i sent her an enquiry to cnfrm abt the price coz its too cheap to be true haha then a few mins later sent an order regarding both dresses as i was sure i want both items.she replied my enquiry email 2 days later but she didnt say anything abt my order,so i asked her if she received it and she replied the next day saying both are sold already.urgghhhhhhh i was so freakin annoyed didnt even bother to reply.blegh

  2. Obviously these sellers failed in courtesy / public manners. It's just something that can't be taught, because it's not important to them. And I bet those sellers are huffing at my sentence now.

  3. I agree, I would avoid those type of sellers. If you have no courtesy in dealing with your customers (potential or even returning costumers), you would get no money from me. There are only a handful of sellers & blogshops which I can really trust these days.
